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The Mysti Crystal Collective


Life,  Llove,  &  Joy 
Beyond Profound





Steps Along the Way






 Page concept  /  Page Summary



The transformation from wherever you are
to wherever you want to be is
a journey. 
How  we get  from "here" to "there
is an internal journey of consciousness"

It's not a third dimension, physical activity.  
You cannot fight your way into the Fifth Dimension.  

You cannot push your way into 5d. 
You cannot get there by manipulating stuff,
or by attempting to control anybody or anything.  

Life is an inside job.  
It always has been.  
It is now an always will  be.   

Here are the first four rules:      
Relax!    Allow!     Enjoy!     Just be !  


It takes time and effort to adjust yourself
to the new ways of being and living.   
It also takes a willingness to explore the new
and let go of the old.  

If you are like the rest of us,
your biggest challenge will be
to let go of  your old and obsolete
beliefs and behaviors.   

Learn to relax.  
Learn to allow what is to be.
Learn to forgive. 
Learn to enjoy the journey. 

If you are reading this, you exist.  
You always have and you always will. 
There is no time. 
There are only timelines
(i.e. potential, changeable, probable experiences)

It's always now.  
You are always here.  
Here is always where ever you are.   
You are the center of your universe.  
Have you noticed that you are always
in the exact center of the world you are experiencing. 

You have a vast amount of false programming
that has been inserted into you mind.  

Three major archetypes inside of you
that require re-evaluation are
the self saboteur,
the judge, and
the false personality self.  

For example, the inner character called the judge is
constantly making up stories about
just about everything you encounter. 

Here's the bottom line: 
99.999% of what you have been taught is false. 
Relax!    Allow!     Enjoy!     Just be !  


Although I am your guide, I'm also a fellow student.  
I'm just one of the ones who
started on the journey back to myself
before you did.  


Take a deep breath.  
Take another deep breath.  
Only begin when  you are centered enough
to to do what is most exciting and inspiring to you 
and when you can do what ever you do
without having any goal
that you are striving to reach.      








    Page Content



Page Concept - Page Summary   

Divine Protection      <>    <>    <>







    Divine Protection


When you realize that you are an eternal God Being,
the understanding of who and what you are is your protection.  

Nothing can harm you in any way
as long as you know who and what you are.
It's simply a question of intending and declaring your Godliness.  

In Source/ Creator's Holographic Universe, you have free will. 
You must intend and declare and believe that you are a god.   .  

At that point you vibrate at a very high vibration.  
The low vibration beings cannot affect you in any way.  


Update  April 26, 2017<>

Protection by Declaration      .


Reference: Interview with Anaiis  Salles,  
Go to minute 1:17  For her description of this concept.
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    Life in the Third Dimension Was

A huge, Multi-Dimensional Guessing Game


We had no idea who we are,
what we are,
where we came from,
why we were here, and
what happened when our body dies.  

We were completely blind to the context we were in. 
We did not realize that
we were in an invisible, mind-control
in which most of the prisoners did not know
that they were in prison.  

The prison was invisible to the inmates.  
It was  made of lies, incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deceptions, mind manipulation and false beliefs.










    Comparing Fifth Dimension
with Third Dimension 


Here's an analogy that compares 
the new, delightful Fifth Dimension
with old, obsolete third dimension,
including comparing third dimension sex
with Fifth Dimension sex.  

In the Fifth Dimension you go to your favorite  restaurant
and enjoy a delicious meal.  
In third dimension you
go to your fast-food take out
and eat only the menu.     <><>


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    The Two faces of Expecting 


Expecting is a mixed bag. 
In one half, when you expect something,
you don't have it and the Universe gives you
more expecting and no having.   

On the other half,
if a person live with
ohis/her expectation as a belief system,
then it tends to show up.  

For example,
when people believe that
when they reach a certain age,
they will get this or that disease
and it will kill them.  

This type of expectation
combines fear and sickness.  
The result is sickness and death.   









We encourage you to match 
the highest level of joy that
you have ever reached in any aspect of your life
then take one step more.      

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The Misty Crystal  

Life,  Llove,  &  Joy  Beyond Profound



Copyright © 2016  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center

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Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

Site  Number & Domain Name:           22  The Misty Crystal  --

Page:                    Index   Home Pages


Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights -

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights.  <><












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