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The Mysti Crystal Collective


Life,  Llove,  &  Joy 
Beyond Profound




Are You Inside or Outside of God?






  Concept Summary  


In all of human history, there
never has been and probably never
will be another distinction as important as   

Do you believe that you are inside or outside of God:

Do you believe  that  you inside of 
And an Integral Part of God?
Do you believe  yourself to  be
outside of and separate from God?

No matter which of the two perspectives
you believes to be true,
your underlying beliefs creates a context
that dominates and controls
vast amounts of  your behavior. 








    Page Content



Concept Summary   


Some of the Distinctions    <>    <>    <>










Believing one's self to be a part of a unified whole
in which nature,  humans and
the Universal Consciousness we call "God,"
are intimately interconnected.  

Believing one's self to be  separate from Creator/God,
separate from nature and
separate form one's fellow humans.  

The energy of unity expresses itself as compassion.   
It's being the other person and caring about his or her well-being.  
It's recognizing self as everything.  

I am you.   You are me.   
What I to you or for you ,I also do to and for myself.  
What I do to or for myself, I also do to or for you. 
I fill my cup and share all excess with you. 

Why share only the excess?    
Because abundance is infinite.  
My being poor will not make anyone else wealthy.
My being sick will not make anyone else healthy.

Because I must be at my best so that
I may be of service at my best.  







 Some of the Distinctions:   



OUTSIDE OF GOD                         INSIDE OF GOD   

Conflict                                                    Cooperation   

Competition/ fighting                           Teamwork / Sharing   

Separation                                               Unity   

Inherently evil                                        Inherently good


Victim  consciousness                           Co-creator with God

Scarcity                                                    Infinite abundance

If I win you must lose                           Everybody wins or everybody loses

Win/lose                                                  Win/Win   or   Lose/lose


Self-righteousness                                 Everybody is right
                                                                   (within their own context)

External punishment                            Actions produce consequences .

Symbolic sport - Football                     Symbolic sport - Baseball  

Punishment solves problems               Punishment solves nothing


OUTSIDE OF GOD                         INSIDE OF GOD   

Body with a soul                                     Soul temporarily living in a body

One Earth life only                                 Multiple experiences
                                                                   in  physical bodies

I am my physical body                          I am an eternal Divine Being

What's in my sacred book                     What the evidence tell us


Teaches what to believe                        Teaches how to find the truth

My truth is the complete truth.           The awareness of the truth
It's fixed, limited,  and immutable.     keeps expanding and revealing   
                                                                    a bigger picture of reality.

Life begins at conception                       A new cycle of life begins at conception       (or at birth)                       at birth)

Duality                                                        Unity   


OUTSIDE OF GOD                         INSIDE OF GOD   

Learning                                                     Remembering 

Time and space are real                           Time and space are illusions    
                                                                     Everything is here now
                                                                     Time is experienced as timelines
                                                                     to possible future expereinces.   

Sequential reality                                      Non-sequential Reality     

Separate from nature                               Intimate part of nature 


Separate from God                                   Unity with God

Sacred or secular                                       Everything is sacred or
                                                                     nothing is sacred

Systems are open-ended                          Every activity is part of
                                                                      a closed, circular, spiral system.  

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Readers are invited to pick any pair of distinctions
form the above list and then sit quietly
for ten minutes and contemplate
the differences in behavior
that each side dictates. 
(See the Notes and References page ' for a sample of this.)  '   

As a simple place to start,
you might look at the symbolic sports and
note the differences between the way
baseball and football are played.   

If you are really brave, 
examine this distinction  between:  
What's in my religion teaches and 
What the evidence tell me.

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Luke 17:20-21   

20)  When asked by the Pharisees
when the kingdom of God would come,
Jesus replied,
“The kingdom of God will not come with observable signs.
21)   Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’
For you see, the kingdom of God is in your midst.  

      The kingdom of heaven
       is not in the external world. 
      It's inside of you.







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Life,  Llove,  &  Joy  Beyond Profound



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Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

Site  Number & Domain Name:           22  The Misty Crystal  --

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Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights -

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights.   












