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The Mysti Crystal 


Life,  Llove,  &  Joy 
Beyond Profound





The Mysti Crystal Blog





  Concept Summary  


The connection between my personality self. Robert / Robin 
and  to my higher self, Bednego, is now clearly open.   

Thoughts and Ideas now come to me
faster than I can possibly integrate them into my websites.  

This page is a connection of miscellaneous basic,
non-expanded thoughts that come to me.   

As time permits, I'll expand on them and
integrate them into other related info.  
In the mean time, they are no longer
simply scribbles hundreds of 8.5 x 11 note pages.  










    Making Personal Changes



In order to make changes
in our external circumstances,
do NOT focus on the external world.  
Do not direct that changes occur in the external world.  
Instead make the changes inside of self.    

The old way:    Creator, It is hereby directed that
                           I have healthy eyes and perfect vision.   

The new way:   Creator, It is hereby directed that
                           I believe that I have healthy eyes and perfect vision.
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    Language / Words / Wording



The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that
what we think about, both consciously and
in our automatic mind chatter,
are the building blocks of
our future Earthly experiences.  

We have been programmed to  mindlessly create
things, situations and experiences
that suite our controllers and not ourselves.  
Here are some examples:  

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Physical Health:   
If you have a physical challenge 
such as commonly know disease,
do NOT give your challenge a name or  a label.   
Do not say I  have _____.  
Do not have endless discussions about the opposite of health.   
Because to do so connects you the the millions of others
who have had similar physical challenges. 
It give a huge boost of energy against your physical health.    

<><><>   <><><>    

The same principle applies to the characters we call evil beings. 
Never mention their names.   
If you have reason to communicate about them
simple refer to them in generic terms as evil. 

To mention specific names
is to give evil a personification.   
This acknowledges it's existence and
gives power and legitimacy of existence to evil.  

This is not to deny the existence of the challenges
that evil presents to us.   
What I am refereeing to is to
avoid giving your power of creation to unwanted experiences.  

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Joking / Sarcastic Humor:  
Much of what we label as humor is actually
a destructive, put down, and/or
an attempt to boost one's own low self esteem. 

To put someone down is unconsciously believed to be
a way to feel better about one's self  and to feel superior.  

If you do this, STOP IT!   
It's NOT harmless.   It's NOT funny.   

Remember, every thought your think is an act of creation.    
Every thought you think tells the Universe,
"I want more of this..'   Every though or experience that puts someone down or enjoys another's accidents or mistakes is a message to your creative God-Self saying, "I'd like to experience that." 

Remember,  what you give out is what you get back. 
"As you sew, so shall you reap."   
Your full  Sheiyt.   Your life is full of sheiyt.  

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Lawful Versus Legal:  
The word lawful is related to Natural Law (God’s Law).   It is used to communicate things of substance.  As for the word legal, it is related to laws created by man and is used to communicate things of form."  

"In simpler terms, something that is lawful is of substance so it is real.   On other hand, something that is legal is of form so it appears to be real.   In other words, the word legal deals with fictional things.   A fictional thing is not real and therefore it is DEAD."   

"One of the ways they secretly tell you that you are playing a role of a dead character is the all caps name.   Hence, the name in all caps on tombstones.   You can find the all caps name on government documents, such as a state-issued ID."     

The above quote is from:


Language and Wording






   Ho'oponopono Meditation  
Cleansing on You, For You, Through Me



This technique was successfully used by Dr, Hew Len 
to clear the  negativity out people
considered to be criminally insane. 
The story is told by Joe Vitali..  
See the story at; 
Begin at minute 3:51    <

Dr. Hew Len worked in a hospital
for the criminally insane in Hawaii.  
He cleared the negative energies
in every one of the patients by using this technique.  
The inmates were all cured and release back into society.   

How?   Dr. Hew would read the information files
of the patient and then
by checking his own body,
feel the feeling the came to him from the patient.  

Everything, without exception, that comes up in our life
is caused by our own internal mental programming. 
(repulsed,  scared,   frustrated,   angry,  etc. 

To end the negative experiences, get rid of the programming. 
This is successful when you understand
one of the basic rules of reality,
that, without exception,
we each create our own reality. 

In third dimension consciousness,
there is no understanding of this law, thus, it sounds like,
"I'm bad,   I'm guilty,   I'm not good enough,  
I'm not good enough to get into heaven,
and on and one with more of the same.  
Who want's to take responsibility in that context?.  

In Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
we simply look for the feeling, feel it, and then, release it. 

Regardless of what we we say as part of the release 
the words, themselves, are not the power of cleansing.  
The power is in your own faith, 
in your own emotions, and
in the direction of you mental focus.  

Faith has two parts, 
faith in yourself and
faith in the validity of Source/ Creators' Laws.   
(Some call this faith in God.)

We I have a choice I can go into the emotions and relive them or
we can choose to see from a higher perspective
and let go any sense of wrong doing we feel.


When Dr. Hew cleansed from himself what he felt,
the other person got better.  
The technique is called Ho'oponopono. 
recognition, forgiveness.  

Here are the words Dr. Hew used:
"I am cleansing now,   on you,    for you    through me.  
I Llove you.  
I'm sorry.  
Please forgive me.  
Thank you.

Repeat this until the feeling change. 
I Llove you.  
I'm sorry.  
Please forgive me.  
Thank you.  

As you say the words,
feel the feelings inside of yourself.  


Forgive me:  
Forgive me for being unconscious.  
Forgive me for not knowing,
or not remembering 
that I had this program in me.   

Wait a minute!   Who am I forgiving?  
I am the sum total of everything. 
I put this program into myself. 
I probably did it unconsciously.  

Did I really hurt the other person, or
did I hurt my own, self-created image of
the other person  in my personal  holographic universe.  

With this understanding, I simply let go of
the entire game by declaring that
I understand that  there is nothing to forgive
and nobody to forgive..   

So, when any unwanted stuff shows up,
I feel it.        I notice it.       Allow it to be.   Say:
I Llove you. 
I have learned.   I now know how you served me?
Thank you for serving me.  
I release you back to Source/ Creator.   

Thank you:  
Thank you, Source/Creator, for the cleansing process.  

The New:  
What's going to replace the old stuff?  
Llove. Inspiration, Joy,  Abundance,  Great Sex, 
Truth about who and what you really are.  

<><><>   <><><> 

The technique is similar forgiveness techniques
that were common on the islands
throughout the South Pacific,
including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand.   

"If  we can accept that we are the sum total
of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions
and that our present lives and choices
are colored or shaded
by this memory bank of the past,
then we begin to see how a process of
correcting or setting aright can change our lives,
our families and our society."     
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

This is essentially, the same process t
hat we here just abut everywhere.  
The Larry Crane technique and
the Sedona method are examples of this. 


The Ancestor Factor: 
Here's a factor that is usually overlooked.  
Your subconscious programming includes this lifetime and
also includes, your other life times and
your ancestors going al the way back
to the beginning of existence.  


What would happen if a group of us
were to collectively direct the healing energy
at our so-called, leaders.  

Imagine what the world would be like
if we removed fear and anger from our politicians.   

By using this technique,  the TLC-Life-Center's
Cosmic Awareness Training Center Team

will answer these questions.      <>   <><

Reference:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihsyb83WpR0 
Begin at minute 3:51    <>

Cleansing On You, For You, Through Me






    Time and Timelines



What are timelines?.             
Timelines are potential future experiences.       

The word Timeline refers to a journey
in non-physical consciousness 
inside of Source-Creator/ God/ Goddess's
Matrix of infinite possibilities.   

As potentials,
timelines are always in flux,
always changeable.   


What each of us is presently experiencing
is a timeline that
we each created by our thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, words, and actions.   

If we don't like what we are experiencing,
we have to power to create a different timeline
by thinking different thoughts,
by changing out beliefs and attitudes, 
by speaking different words,
and taking different action.  

We omit / leave out anything and everything
that that produces khold-priki feelings. 
We focus on our  chosen intentions  and
declare them to be

Fifth Dimension Manifesting      


There  are personal timelines
and collective timelines.  

Personal Timelines:  
Every time we create an intention, such as: 
I'm here now.  I what to be there then.
we create a personal, non-physical timeline.  

It's a potential in consciousness
that we would like to experience physically.  
When we alter our thinking, we alter our timeline.   

When you make a fear statement,
such as I'm afraid my mother will catch me masturbating,
you are putting that fear into a timeline.   

Collective Timelines:  
Our Collective timeline is a combination of
all of our personal belief and behaviors.  
All of us together create
our perception of where the Earth is headed.   

Intentionally shifting to a different timeline
is called a quantum jump 

For an in-depth description of how to change a timeline, go to:        http://galacticconnection.com/the-hathors-the-art-of-jumping-timelines-video/.   

Another Timeline Reference:  
The Gaia Matrix  //   Magenta Pixie:  

Healing a physical body is actually
a change in the persons personal timeline.  
Example:   How Jesus healed.  

<><><>   <><><>  

Basic Facts of life:: 
***   There is no such thing as time  
***   Everything is always here and now.  
***   Everything already exists.  


Address of this topic: 

https://mysticrystal.org/MCB-mysti-crystal-blog-index.html#TimeandTimelines      >  

Time and Timelines






   Alone in the Universe   



Are humans the only intelligent beings in the Universe?   
This may have been a  legitimate question
back in that days when information
about cosmology (the nature of the universe)  
was exclusively the property of religious organizations.  

It may have been a legitimate question
before the birth of the Internet.   
In those day such ignorance was excusable, but not today.  

Take a  moment to realize that
there are hundreds of thousands of physical things
created and exsting in physical form right here on Earth
that could not have been created
by humanity as we know ourselves to be.   

Consider the statistical likelihood that we are alone.  
The odds are astronomical pointing to life elsewhere.    

Consider that Ninety five percent of the know universe
(Dark Energy / Dark Matter)
is invisible to our senses and unreachable by our technology.   

Consider the huge leapfrog jump in technology since WWII. 

Consider the  Cabal's  criminal,
Secret Corporate Control System
that has recently been exposed.  
Those in control do
not want humanity to know that life exists
elsewhere in the universe.    Why?  
Because knowledge that intelligent, humanoid,
extraterrestrial life exists
is a serious threat their secret control system.    

Consider  that th0usands  of credible witnesses, such as airplane pilots have reported seeing flying vehicles that defy present human technology.   Most of those people have been forced into silenced by the cabal criminals who control humanity. 

Consider the huge advances in scientific knowledge
regarding biology.  

Consider the huge amount of information
now readily available on the Internet.   

Consider that humans are mind controlled
not to think for them selves and
not to question authority. 
Those in control have been programming humanity
to believe hate we are alone in the universe.   

Consider that perception is a function of
being aware of vibrations.  
If all the known vibrations were stretched f
rom Los Angeles to New york,
the portion we can be perceive with our physical senses
is about half an inch, the width of a dime.   

To believe we are alone in the universe
defies that Universal law of Correspondence.  

In the face of all this and more,
how could anyone possible think
that humans are alone it the universe?     

Alone in the Universe






Fifth Dimension Perspective on the

Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation Fraud  



Being angry at the Clintons is
the exact wrong response for us to have.   
Here's why:   

When you look at fraud in the
Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation
from third dimension consciousness,
it sounds simple.   they stole the money.  
That's disgusting.  
It's enough to make us angry. 
For example, in Haiti
the money sent to the Clintons for the people
never reached the people. 
It was redirected to the pockets
of their wealthy cronies.   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13PD-hlfOXE&t=1670s  :   

Now, view their behavior
from the Fifth Dimension perspective,
a perspective from which we see a much bigger picture.  

Being angry at them harms only ourselves.     

First, anger feeds the evil ones.  
They live on energy that
radiates from a human body
when the dweller in that body
is experiencing anger or any other
low, feel-bad vibration emotion.  

Behind the scenes open to public consciousness,
the evil ones have secretly controlled
everything, on Earth for thousands of years.  

Second, being angry
the low vibration cycles circulating
in the live of those who express anger. 

Third, realize that their actions were not about money. 
Focusing on money is like going to a restaurant
and eating the menu.  

Evil ones do not want more money. 
They already have way more money than
they could ever possibly use. 
They simply did not want the
ordinary people of Hattie to have the money. 

Why?   Because lack of goods and service (i.e. money)
creates, expands, amplifies
pain, anger, grief, hardship, misery and the like. 
The intentional of money deprivation
was done for the creation of negative emotional energy.  
This energy is a form of food for those
higher up in the chain of control.  

<><><>   <><><>  

You might get the impression
that Bill and Hillary Clinton are inherently evil,
that they want people to suffer.   
They are not inherently evil.  
They have a very severe, mind disease called "evil."
It's unlikely that they personally are capable of
caring about the people in nay way.  

Their mind and thus their behavior
is under the control of an off-planet species of beings
that we call the Reptilians (i.e. Lizzerdz).  
The Reptilians are sustained (they eat)
low vibration, human  emotional energy. 

<><><>   <><><>  

Here's another serious mental problem
of the super wealthy
that very few people are aware of:     

Making large amounts of money and snorting cocaine
have the same affect upon the human brain.  
Many super wealth are addicted to making money, similar to how a cocaine addict is addicted to cocaine.  

Making large amounts of money and snorting cocaine
both create a dopamine rush in the human brain. 
Thus, the super wealthy are Drug Addicts!  
Their drug is making money.  

Add to that the fact that  most of the super wealthy
have psychopathic personalities.  
They lack self control.  
They lack compassion.  
They lack empathy.  

To bottom line the Bill and Hillary behavior:  
Your ideal response is to send them
Llove, compassion, and forgiveness.   
Release all emotional responses to them,
without exception! Why?  
Because The universal law of attraction tells us:

Anything you  hold any negative motion about
sticks to you like glue.     

<><><>   ><><>  

Now, let's look at the Lizzerdz.   
If you are familiar with the
Universal Law of Correspondence,
you can see where this is going.   

***  The Cabal, using lies, illusions,
intentional deceptions, and false beliefs 
turned most human into mindless, unconscious slaves.   

***   The off-planet species of beings
that we call the Reptilians (i.e. Lizzerdz) 
used their form of mind control to make the Cabal humans,
like Bill and Hillary Clinton into mindless slaves.  

***   The Lizzerdz, are themselves
the mindless salves of the invisible form of evil
we call A. I.   (artificial intelligence).   

***   There is one more step in this cycle. 

Fortunately,  Source/ Creator/God-Goddess
has stepped in and, with the cooperation
of all positive-minded beings, including you and me,
She is cleaning up the entire mess.    

Here's how you can do your part.  

<><><>   <><><>  

Here's one more reason why forgiveness and compassion
are the proper responses.  

With full Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
one knows that absolutely anything you could ever
want, need, require or desire is already yours. 

The basic rules of reality are a given: 
Everything Is Part of a Single, Unified Whole     
Humans Are Eternal God-Beings       
We Live in a Holographic Universe   
Humans Are Great Creators

At that level of consciousness,
one would only come to Earth with the intention of
freeing our fellow divine beings from mindless slavery.  

It is quite possible that Bill and Hillary are both
fellow divine beings who came here
with the original intention of helping  humanity and
got overwhelmed by the evil ones and
ended up totally and mindlessly serving evil.  

Are you aware that, millions of other humans
are right now, today, (Nov 2016)
mindlessly serving the evil agenda.  
Well, they are, and you may very well be one of them.   .   

Perhaps , perhaps not.   
At any rate, as wise Christians say
"God does not my help to punish the unfaithful.   

Blessing Be. . .    
Rev. Robert Cote'  
www.TLC333.com      <>    <>    <>

Clinton Foundation-  5D Perspective






    Experiment  /  Mid-Course Correction  /  Success 



In Fifth Dimension Consciousness, success is guaranteed.   
There are still what third dimension people call mistakes.  
In 5D, there are no mistakes and no failures. 
We have learning experiences and midcourse corrections.  

Here's how Thomas Edison,
the most famous inventor of
the 19th and early 20th  century,
used to express it:  

My experiment was not a failure.  
I now know one more thing that does not work.  
I am now one step closer to that which will work.   

In 5D consciousness, We know that
we live in Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess's
Multi-Dimensional Holographic Universe.   
As God-Beings in Source/ Creator's holograph,
we have God's powers of creation.  
Anything is possible. 
We simply must learn how to play the creation game.       

Experiment / Mid-Course Correction / Success  






    Money- Some Ignored Truths About Money



We highly recommend that you stop reading here and isten to
the description of our financial system by David Icke:      

The United States Banking System   
See minute 45 to 57.   

Add taxes to each step in the cost added principle
he describes  and the end costs you pay are even higher.    .

<><><>   <><><>

Contrary to what you've been led to believe,
the super-wealthy do not want more money.  
There  are three main reasons.   

First, they have  absolutely
no personal need whatsoever for more money.  
The could not possibly spend what they already have
in a hundred life times.

Second,  they do no want you to have any money.  
They take the money so you won't have any.  
Money is simply a tool for manipulation, for control
and to steal what wealth they don't already have or Control.   
In our society money is power.  

Third,  When humans live at the survival level, 
with little or no money in a social structure
that requires money for survival,
they experience, pain, suffering, anger, sickness, diseases,
early deaths, and all kinds of low vibration negative emotions. 

They are also likely to commit crimes and/or
destroy the environment simply to survive.  

These low vibration energies are food for the the Lizzerdz.  
The Lizzerdz are a species of off-planet beings,
who control the Cabal.

Fourth, if you had enough money, you would also
have time to think and question authority.  
The controllers could not allow this.  

They almost lost control in the 1960's. 
I was a young adult in that period. 
I had a comfortable four-room apartment,
an easy job,  a nearly new car and
time to enjoy life.
My total income was $200 per month. 
President Kennedy was leading the nation
toward  a "Camelot"-life.  

To stop the momentum, 
They murdered John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 
Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and
dozens of others we'll never know about. 
They put President Kennedy's Assassin leader,
Lyndon Johnson, in the white house.  
They follow up Johnson with
another Kennedy assassination leader,
Richard (I'm not a crook) Nixon.  

Nixon put the most destructive laws ever devised
into the nation's legal system, his anti drug war

Some Ignored Truths About Money






    Secrecy, Our So-Called Leaders Act of Hypocrisy  



Our so-called leaders who are saying they are helping us get rid of those who use secrecy to hid their criminal activities are, themselves, still working in secrecy.   <>    <>    <>    <>

Secrecy - Our so called, New Leaders  Act of Hypocrisy






    Tests to Qualify for Leadership Positions 



What is suggested below  is a transition system.  
When we reach full Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
the system will obviously be readjusted to fit the different context  

How do we filter out the unqualified in our social structure leaders? 

Require that all Leaders be fully fifth dimension consciousness  beings.  

Require that leaders at any level in any social structure
pass a compassion test.  

Require that the ratio of males to females in charge of any social structure must be between 55% and 65% female

Require all leaders grant open permission to anyone
to subject his or her public statements
to a voice analysis stress test.      

Require everything, all activity be open to public scrutiny.  

Require that all employees pass the compassion test.   

Leaders have power to advice and Zero powers to command.  

Leaders are subject to recall at any time.  

I cant' speak for you, but for myself,
here's the kind of people
I DO NOT want in charge of
the peoples social structures:  

***    men whose whole adult life has been
         in the military social structure
         of command, authority, and conformity. 

***  Men who have lived only in a life of the privileged wealthy.          

<Tests to Qualify for leadership





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Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

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Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights - MistyCrystal.org

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights. 
















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