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  Debt-Free Money 


Let's take a moment an examine the highlights of
shifting from Cabal-controlled debt-based money
to the the huge benefits of Debt-Free Money
issued directly from the U.S. Treasury.    






    Page Content


Debt-Free Money      

The Problem  

The Solution    


The Result    

The Derail    

The Permanent Solution         






  The Problem   


There is one reason and only one reason
why our economy fails to function
for the well-being of the People. 

The Cabal bankers have pulled most of the money
out of the people's economy and
put it into the bankers peculation funds.
They control the money supply. 
They have it all. 
The people have almost nothing.   

The Federal Reserve is the greatest, most-lucrative,
longest-lasting financial swindle the world has ever seen. 

As part of the global transformation,
banking will shift from debt-based slavery system
to a debt-free system owned and controlled
by We-The-People.
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    The Solution   


The solution is incredible simple. 
Put the money back into the people economy.  

Do this by issuing debt free money
directly from the United States Treasury.       






   The Result 


The economy will blossom in ways and
to levels never even imagined before.   






   The Derail    


We got a small taste of money back in the economy
when Cabal-Criminal, Bill Clinton was
pretending to be our president.  

Actually he was setting us up for another fall
that fall occurred when George bush Jr.
took all the money back our of the economy.   

People could not repay their loans so the cabal then proceeded in another cycle of stealing people's homes and
stealing anything else  was worth stealing.      






    The Permanent Solution   


Completely get rid in the Federal Reserve.  
Replace the missing money direct from the U.S. Treasury.  

Cancel all debts to the Federal Reserve Bankers,
including home loans, credit card loans,
student loans, et cetera.  

Cancel that portion of the national debt
that is owned to the Cabal bankers.  

Use debt-Free money from the U.S. Treasury
to rebuild the nation's infrastructure.  

Begin infrastructure work by building
a storm surge barrier in the Carquiness Strait
near San Francisco.    

And Much More!       






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                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
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