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Cosmology is the philosophy dealing with the Universe,
with its origin, its parts, elements, and laws,
its characteristics such as space, time, causality, and freedom.

Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that deals with the general structure and evolution of the Universe.  

When the Christian Bible
was put together, circa 300 a.d.,
the Roman Catholic Church was
the ultimate authority on everything,
including the origin and general structure of the Universe,
including how humans relate to the Universe.  

The truth about these topics was what
the leaders of the Roman  Catholic Church said it was.   

Today, statements of authority on this topic
must be shared with what the latest evidence tells us.
The study of that evidence is now called cosmology.  

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Here are some examples of cosmology that are
intentionally being ignored
by the Cabal-Controlled, main-stream media.  

There is a huge mystery regarding
the South Pole of planet Earth.  
It's cloaked in secrecy. 
There is a huge military barricade
preventing anybody from going there to find out.   

Regardless of what the truth turns out to be,
we can be sure that the Cabal criminals
do not want us to learn what that truth is.  

There are two major possibilities,
both of which would have a profound impact
on human consciousness.  
Rumors abound about both possibilities. 

One relates to the fairytale
that humans are alone in the Universe. 
Overwhelming evidence already exist in the
hundreds of thousands of artifacts
that could not possible be created
by our human ancestors. 
For example, there are numerous stone pyramids
made of multi-ton stones  piled on top of each other
in a perfect fit with the adjacent stone.  

The internet abounds with stories 
that there is overwhelming and undeniable evidence
that the Universe is teaming with life.  
The South Pole may provide undisputable evidence
that we are not alone in the Universe.   

The second mystery is the controversy
regarding the history and the nature of the Earth itself.  
There could be evidence at the South Pole proving
that the Universe had an intentional creator.  
Here is a video which offers  some profound evidence:       






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Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

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Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights -

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights.  <><><>   













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